
Our Wedding Video – Kevin and Ashley Keith | Kansas City Wedding Photographers

Our wedding day was the most special day in our lives! People always say your wedding day flies by in a blink of an eye, and they are all right! We are excited to have our wedding on video to watch and re-live our day. Chris Wright from Ripple Effects Studios was one of our videographers and did an amazing job creating this awesome video! We were so blessed to have had such a wonderful wedding and to share it with everyone! Thank you Chris!!

Check it out…

Ashley & Kevin Keith Wedding by Ripple Effect Studios on Vimeo.

This is only the beginning of  what we will be sharing with you from our wedding day; there is much more to come!  🙂

Kevin & Ashley
Kevin Keith Photography

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  • […] taking place there. We worked with Kelly Barnes at the Overland Park Convention Center for our “Moving Beyond the Basics Photography Workshop” in 2009 and had seen first hand the stunning features that create gorgeous photo opportunities. […]

  • Jacki SeamsterOctober 7, 2010 - 9:01 pm

    Dear Kevin & Ashley,

    I’m sitting here bawling my eyes out and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so sad that I missed your big day or it’s simply my natural response to something so beautiful! Now the question is what to get you. What do you get a couple so obviously and richly blessed by God? We’ll think of something! In the meantime, we wish you both every happiness and all the joy that God’s sacred gift of marriage brings.

    Cheers to all those who created and participated in the awesome event! We’ve already got you booked for our 50th wedding anniversary party so mark your calendar!!

    All my love,


  • Kevin Keith PhotographyOctober 7, 2010 - 10:11 pm


    Thank you so much! You are so awesome! It was an amazing day and couldn’t have been so perfect! Ashley looked stunning in her dress, the convention center rocked the ballroom, and the ceremony was filled with worship. We are looking forward to seeing you guys again and hopefully before your 50th anniversary :). We miss you!



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